January 24, 2015 princeps

The first private concierge club in Bulgaria launched!

On January 21, 2015, at the Kempinski Hotel Zografski, Sofia, Princeps Advertising organized the official launch of the service that is unique to our region – first class personalized service using the latest generation of information technology by the country’s first private virtual club – Concierge!

Concierge is a private club whose members receive special club card guaranteeing personalized service and competitive prices in a network of partner businesses. The service consists in simple assistance in organizing your personal or professional life by providing information on events, holidays, assistance with reservations, orders fulfillment.

We organized a press conference in order to present the first concierge club in Bulgaria to the media and official guests. Our event was flawless and the media reflected its success, so we added another satisfied client to our portfolio.